
Hi, my fellow jelly and jam lovers! 🙂 My name is Melissa, and I’m a 27 year old Capricorn who loves to eat and write. During the day, I work as a project manager for a recruitment marketing company, a freelance writer, and the editor-in-chief of my literary magazine, Moss Puppy.

I studied creative writing in both undergrad and graduate school. Since graduating, I’ve published a number of short stories and poems online and in print. You can check them out on my website here!

When I’m not writing short fiction, I’m either playing with my puppies, pulling tarot cards, reading about astrology, or writing blog posts and fanfiction. It’s pretty obvious writing is a large part of my life, so this blog is a wonderful place for me to tie my love of writing and my love of food together.

Stay sweet ❤